Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I wanted to make a slide show of pictures of Kevin and I over the last few years. Once I started collecting them all, I realized it was going to be easier to break them down into categories. I apologize for the poor quality of some of the pictures. I was taking some pics. from my computer, digging some out of boxes or taking them out of albums, scanning them to my camera card, then loading them to the computer. Some of them were copies from someone else to start with. Also, I didn't realize how much smilebox zooms them in depending on the design you choose so I had to choose what to have "cut out" of several of the close up ones. (I had already spent too long working on the whole thing to go back in and try to resize some of them.)
As far as my wedding, my only regret is trying to include people that I thought needed to be invited or included only to have it backfire. I loved my wedding though and I felt like a princess on a magical day. So... if I ever have another wedding, the only thing I will change is to only have close friends and family and have it in Florida. ;)
Our honeymoon was awesome as we went to three different Hawaiian islands. I had no clue how absolutely beautiful it was there (and not just beaches). One highlight was a helicopter tour of Maui. We paid a little extra (okay, a lot) to have it be just the two of us (& the pilot of course) and to do an hour and a half ride. From the air, you could see down into the rain forests (which I didn't know Hawaii had) and see waterfalls after waterfalls. Also, because of being in a helicopter, we flew right through the middle of the mountains - it is an awesome memory to this day.
Last summer we got a mini second honeymoon for about 3 days to Niagra Falls. We left Kaelyn with my parents and had a few days to ourselves. The highlight of that for me was eating dinner in the Skylon tower that rotates a full 360 degrees above the falls in an hour while you eat. I know this is a lot of postings but I hope over a few times you will get to them all and maybe enjoy the music & pictures a little bit.
This post was actually supposed to follow the next one but... I need to get off of here because I am just re-doing and re-doing things and driving myself nuts!


Aimee said...

What a beautiful summary of your dating/marriage together! The pics are great!

I hear that its always good to think about the reasons why you ever fell in love with someone, wanted to spend the rest of your lives together..frequently, but especially during rough times. Im glad you have found a man that is everything you've ever dreamed of.

Happy Anniversary early.

Betty said...

Happy Anniversary!! And hope you have many more fun years together!

Lynette said...

Congratulations on four years together ! It hardly seems that it's been that long since my little girl"needed to go potty" and I was about to pop with number two.

Becky said...

oh the memories! :)