Friday, June 20, 2008

vacation log - 5:30 p.m. (?)

These are some of the pictures from when we were sitting alongside the road with the flat tire. Kay-Kay had gotten woke up from a nap and she was very grouchy. We went down by the edge of the woods and she got a little happier after we saw these flowers and she got to get one. She held it for quite a while - up until the time we got up to the tire place.

Kay-Kay looking at her flower.

We were so fortunate that we only had to
take out 2 suitcases and a couple of smaller
bags to get to the spare tire.

Thank goodness for car chargers, DVD players and
computers! I let Kay get out of her car seat so she
sat in my seat and watched a movie on my computer.

Kay's flower

I know you all are wondering what this
guy was thinking about me taking this
picture. Well, he DIDN'T know. I was
kind of standing behind Kevin reaching
my arm out around him. I figured I
would sound dumb explaining to the guy
that I like to blog and scrapbook and
that I needed pictures of this kind of
thing to make it more interesting. Kevin
just rolls his eyes. I make him repeat 3 or
4 times daily, "I love it that my wife has
these hobbies that she enjoys so much" :)


The Taylors said...

OH Beck , you are SUCH a BLOGGER already, and might I venture to say a scrapbooker. Alas, it IS true, we do think differently! :-) So sorry your trip was off to such a crummy start! Hope it is all better from here. Can't wait to hear more.

Anonymous said...

did i miss something, or did you forget to tell us what happened to the tire? and how far did you get? I'm really sorry that things are not going so well, what with your late start and the flat tire. maybe now isn't a good time to tell you that we had an enjoyable, leisurely trip to andover, MA and got here about 4pm. we had a nice time with the girls in the pool and hope to have a non-eventful trip the last 2 1/2 hours tomorrow. I hope the rest of your trip is wonderful! ~Jess