Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why Obama is a very down to earth "god"

It is very interesting to me how the democrats work so hard to make Obama sound like "the guy next door" that is everyone's friend and yet they act like he is a god to be revered! Kevin has been watching parts of the DNC live streamed for the past couple of evenings. I started out just "overhearing" it while I was at my computer then I just couldn't tear myself away - seriously. It's definitely NOT because I'm a fan of Obama OR the democrats; I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. Now in all fairness, I've never paid attention to either party's convention before let alone listened or watched so it may just be that they are all like this and I just didn't know it because I've never seen one. I'm sure SOME amount of hype is normal but my goodness...
These are my exaggerations of course but here was my take:
Mr. Joe Low that no one knows would start talking about meeting or working with Obama somewhere (which of course proves that he is just like you and me and not another rich politician) and it would go something like this. "So we were working away and I saw Obama wipe sweat from his face and I realized that Obama is JUST like the rest of us - he sweats just like we do. And that's why he will be the next president - anyone who can sweat like a normal, lowly person should be our president." Then Sue Simpleton would talk about how she had her house, car, and pets taken from her because she couldn't pay for them when George Bush was president but Obama is going to make sure that MILLIONS of people have jobs and all those darn rich people are going to pay for working so hard and being so smart with their money. Obama will see to it that things are more fair and those who have lots of money will be taxed to death so that those who "can't work" will also have money. (I guess his mom never taught him that life is not fair when she taught him all those other important life lessons like patriotism.) And on and on it went - teachers (I'm ashamed to say), a trucker, moms etc.
Then, they have had question and answer sessions where people just like you and me were videoed asking questions that the "average" person is concerned about. A panel of people then supposedly answered the questions "off the cuff" with very rehearsed, researched answers.
And Obama's family - OH MY GOODNESS! to hear everyone talk, you would think that every other presidential candidate has beaten and abused their kids and were horrible parents because they are making such a big deal of what great parents Barrack and Michelle are. I mean no other parents in America teach their kids values and sacrifice for their children like that. And they are so in love (they played a video clip interviewing them talking about how they met) which, I guess given the current relationship status of another former democratic presidential candidate in this race, you do have to give Barrack a little credit for that. And then they played up the thing of Michelle Obama's dad dying when she was young and how he is looking down now so proud of her (she was the keynote speaker Tuesday night). That was mentioned several times. It just went on and on and I couldn't believe how they portrayed him as the perfect person - now mind you, a lot of things they said about him really didn't have much to do with being a good leader. I said to Kevin, "So basically, because he loves his wife and kids, plays basketball, isn't as rich as John McCain, and is so down to earth he will make a great president."
Oh, one more thing from Tuesday night - somebody asked (in a videoed question) what Barack would do to help the economy since Bush has messed it all up so badly (I'm not arguing that the economy stinks right now but I'm not sure that any president can fix it). The lady answering the question said, "Well, the first thing he will do is give everyone a tax rebate incentive to jump start the economy." I couldn't believe it. I thought maybe I was just really ignorant so I said to Kevin, "Isn't that what the government just did when we all got those checks back a few months ago?" Kevin said, "Yeah, and what's more the democrats said that it was a dumb idea." hmmm And the whole Ted Kennedy tribute with Caroline Kennedy speaking was something else too. I was just waiting for Caroline to compare Barrack with her dad which she did. Then when Ted Kennedy spoke he said that "the torch had been passed to a new generation". Again I say, "Hmmm. Where have we heard that before?" Is that plagiarizing if he "requotes" his brother's famous quote? (For those of you who may not know, that's what JFK said at his inauguration) No, I know that he wasn't trying to make it sound like his own quote but it is just another perfect example of how everyone is just going so "gaga" over the whole thing. (Nobody mentioned how JFK's presidency ended when they were comparing the two strangely enough.) Well, I could go on and on on this tirade but I am sure none of you really care to hear any more of my rantings if you made it this far so I'll stop. One more closing thought though - I know this is a very strong and maybe highly offensive statement but when you hear Obama speak in his persuasive manner and hear the crowds chanting his name does it ever make you think of what you have heard about Hitler in his early days? Ironically, I had just started typing this sentence when Obama came on stage to speak (Kevin's watching the last night of the convention). The crowds clapped for 3 or 4 minutes the second he appeared.
I pray that God blesses America but if we conservative/Christian people still have a lesson to learn (which I feel is at least partly why we lost both houses in Congress two years ago), I pray that we will rally around, hit our knees, and become better Christian citizens.


Becky said...

I just re-read this after I posted it (like I always do) and I realized that I am like some preacher's - they say "In closing" like 5 times and you got all excited thinking their almost done and they just keep going! :)

Mike and Heather said...

AMEN to all that. All I have to add is are we really going to have a president named Obama Hussein?!