Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin

As much as I was disappointed that John McCain won the Republican nomination for president, I am LOVING this whole thing with him choosing Sarah Palin as a running mate - how 'bout you all? What are your thoughts? I have several thoughts about it but I'm curious what you guys think. Every since we have found out yesterday, Kevin has been checking Focus on the Families political website. He just found last night where Dr. Dobson was saying that he was pleased with the choice and was impressed with McCain's decison. Not that he is God of course but we highly respect his opinion and Focus of the Family certainly does their "homework" on things like that. If I am still feeling inspired after I do my next post, I might share some things about it that are just making me laugh inside.

1 comment:

Mike and Heather said...

I think McCain made a really smart choice to win over conservatives (well, people more conservative than he is)I'm not a big McCain fan...he's too middle of the road for me...but Palin is very conservative and very pro-life which is a big deal to me. She has 5 kids and the last one was born in April with down syndrome. She def. practices what she preaches!