Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mickey Mouse: 6/08 - 9/3/08

Mickey Mouse now sleeps in the sewer (or so we think). He died peacefully in an attempt to go potty like "other big girls" in our family do. Kevin and I were quite engrossed in watching Mrs. Palin's speech when we received the sad news. (Actually we were sitting there and I heard something and I listened up because at first it sounded like Kaelyn had the water running. Then we realized she was flushing the toilet but she had not gone to the bathroom. Before we could react, we heard her say, "Oh no! Mickey Mouse club house potty!" - and we knew we were too late.) We jumped up and went in to the bathroom just as she was saying, "Yeah for Mickey Mouse potty!" We asked her where Mickey Mouse was and she walked back into the bathroom over to the toilet all the while talking about Mickey going potty. She hasn't realized his fate I'm quite sure. We searched around with high hopes that he might still be alive somewhere but it didn't take long to realize the grim truth - he was gone for good.
Mickey joined our family sometime in June of this year. He brought real joy to all of us - to Kaelyn because she loved to play with him and to us because we loved for her to play with him - especially when we were in the car, grocery shopping, in church, at the doctor's office or any other number of places where without the entertainment she would be ... um, restless. He endured much in his short lifetime - being dunked in cups of water endless amounts of time, being thrown into the Atlantic Ocean over and over during one particular beach trip, and being drug all over the park on a hot day. He had humble beginnings - he was purchased for a fraction of his original worth in one of those 40% off things already marked half off in a bath set. He journeyed all the way from TN where we were vacationing to Florida where he soon became comfortable in his new home. He assumed many roles as sometimes instead of Kaelyn pretending he was Mickey, she would pretend the Disney characters were "acting out" Veggie Tales or Little Einsteins or Berenstein Bears rather than Mickey Mouse clubhouse. He was a great friend to Kaelyn. He is survived by 3 other friends, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy. All donations to the family will be be set up in a "toilet fixing" trust fund.
Update: After I started this post, I stopped in the middle of it to get Kay around for bed and do a few other things. I have indeed confirmed that Mickey died a tragic potty death because it seems as if a certain toilet in our house is having "flushing issues". As a matter of fact, I think we are going to have to bring Mickey back to life as I am pretty sure he is going to have to be fished out in order for the toilet to work properly. Now, if I just knew a good plumber...
DAAAAADDY! We could use your help! :)


The Taylors said...

I had to chuckle at your telling but the other part of me (evidently not the grown up part of me) is struggling not to cry. I am sad for her and me scrapping pictures of mickey mouse clubhouse, come inside, it's fun inside. Yep, I imagine it is more the mood than the loss of Mickey.

Misty said...

You can add "writing obitutories" to your resume (I know I didn't spell that right...sorry!)

I had to laugh at this! The fun things we get to go through as a mommy :-) Just don't let her see Mickey come back up or she may want to still keep him.

Betty said...

So sorry to hear of Mickie's demise. Poor Mickey! He's been through alot!

Mike and Heather said...

LOL...the whole time I was reading I was thinking, "I wonder how that toilet's working?" but you answered my question at the end. Poor Mickey! :)

Mary Ellen said...

Hi Becky - I just found your blog for the first time this week - enjoyed reading a whole bunch of them. You have a great sense of humor and I enjoy your writing style.

I don't mind one bit if you post that link - it sure doesn't belong to me! "-) It was pretty cool to see the goings on from her eyes wasn't it?

Poor Mickey - was he a hard plastic toy that could be soaked in bleach and returned to his "mommy" if he is dug out?

Becky said...

Yes Mary Ellen, he is hard plastic and if this Mommy can get over the thoughts of him being dug out of the sewer pipes, he could probably be returned to "his" mommy! :)

Aimee said...

Such a "sad" day for poor mickey, and well, probably Kaelyn when she realizes its truly gone.

Mickey was always my "bud" growig up=) My mickey toys never went for swims though.