Thursday, April 5, 2012

"The Secret" - A Poem for Spring Since I'm On A Roll with Spring :-)

When I was in second or third grade (forever ago) we had to memorize poems as part of our Spelling/English classes.  There was one that was a favorite of mine called "The Secret".  I've thought about it a lot of times over the years and Rachel and I have discussed it but it never dawned on me to google it.  So just the other day I googled the first line of the poem and immediately found it.  The writer is anonymous and the poem itself was taken from a book of poetry from 1947.  I decided that since I have updated my quotes and my header picture to springy things, I might as well post this. :-)   If you have kids, they might enjoy hearing it as well. 

The Secret
We have a secret, just we three,
The robin, and I, and the sweet cherry-tree;
The bird told the tree, and the tree told me,
And nobody knows it but just us three.

But of course the robin knows it best,
Because she built the--I shan't tell the rest;
And laid the four little--something in it--
I'm afraid I shall tell it every minute.

But if the tree and the robin don't peep,
I'll try my best the secret to keep;
Though I know when the little birds fly about
Then the whole secret will be out.


The Taylors said...

LOVE this one and one of the few I still remember. I don't have thr brain for memory (and poetry) like you do.
That would make some great spring scrapbooking "verse".

mama said...

Absolutely love the beautiful spring trees. Is this something you took or found someplace?

Becky said...

I found it on a website of spring pictures. Every time I see it, I want to just disappear into the picture down that path/road.