Sunday, April 22, 2012

Pals, pals, pals.

Just a few odds and ends pictures.

I only have two words: Poor Buster!  :-)
Thanks to Mr. Potato Head for letting us borrow his glasses.

As cute and authentic as this looks, Kaelyn wasn't actually sleeping here.  She wanted her pals to take a nap so she laid them all down on our bed and then she laid down with them and pretended to take a nap with them.  She asked me to set the timer (I think she actually wanted the alarm) on my cell phone.  They all had to stay laying there until the timer on my phone went off.  :)

Kevin and I are honored as one of her pals has just recently been given a name and it was named after BOTH of us.  It's name is.... Kecky.  Yes, she came up with that all by herself and yes, that name beats Garmin for strange names.  I always cringed a little when I heard her tell people what Garmin's name is but now I'm almost relieved when she takes Garmin somewhere but leaves Kecky at home. In a sense, it's quite clever but still....
My life truly stays interesting with her having an imagination like she does!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this! Totally brilliant girl! And I'd be honored to be taken to town with Kecky. (or Joamy in my case)

Leah & Jon said...

I really didn't think there was any way that dog could look any sillier! Guess I was wrong... :D

Becky said...

Ba ha ha ha ha Leah! That comment made me laugh! :-D