Saturday, November 29, 2008

Blogging Marathon

This is pretty much how we all feel - tired and worn out! We had a great Thanksgiving holiday but we are exhausted from being up late and going constantly. As you can see, I'm just now catching up on my blog. I actually took this pic. of Kay-Kay a few days ago. We were in Wal-mart and I thought she was asleep. She had been like this for about 10 min. and I hadn't heard a peep out of her. She apparently wasn't completely asleep because she heard my camera when I turned it on and opened her eyes. You can probably see that it looks like her eyes are only partly shut here. Her head popped up and she said, "Say cheese!" I said, "Oh, I wanted you to close your eyes so I could take a picture of you with your eyes closed." So she promptly turned toward the camera, closed her eyes tightly and said, "Say cheese!" with a big smile on her face.
I am thankful for her every day of the year not just on Thanksgiving. I know I didn't blog on Thanksgiving day but I constantly feel overwhelmingly thankful for my life right now. I have so much joy in my heart even when I may not be happy at the moment. I am grateful for Kevin and Kaelyn, a great job, a great house and car, for awesome friends and family, and for the fact that I am an American. I didn't want to "skip over" the meaning of Thanksgiving on my blog but honestly, I feel so blessed and thankful on many, many days besides Thanksgiving. I don't verbalize it a lot and go on and on so as to lead people to believe that I have a perfectly, put-together life, but I am thankful every time I feel overwhelming joy in my heart over the various blessings in my life. So on that note, I will say that I hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving also and feel as blessed! Good night!


Anonymous said...

I know the feeling! I'm so exhausted. JB had a fever the first half of the week and had me up every night. He is one of those children that run unusually hight temps. Where the other 2 may have a 101-102, his is 104. The doc just said to expect it. Uggg!
I'm just thankful it wasn't anything serious.

Aimee said...

Doesn't she just look worn out?! Poor girl. If only WE could relax while someone else does the grocery shopping.