Tuesday, August 18, 2009

School News

We just got a call today from Kaelyn's teacher from last year. She is going to be back this year and she will be Kaelyn's teacher again. (She was thinking about retiring because she has enough years so we didn't know whether Kaelyn would have a new teacher or not.) We are VERY excited! I let Kaelyn listen to the message on the phone and I explained to her that Miss Marilyn will be her teacher again this year. She started jumping around and saying, "This is going to be fun! This is going to be fun!" So... I know that means nothing to any of you but I feel so relieved. She is so great with the kids and Kaelyn just loves her.
We have open house Friday afternoon and then school starts Monday for Kaelyn. She is ready to get back into a routine and has been asking about school for the past couple weeks so I'm hoping it will be a much easier transition then her first time. She does have a new classroom which I know will throw her off a bit but I think she will be fine since she will have several of the same classmates and the same teacher.

And a random picture since I think blog posts are more interesting with pictures and I never posted vacation pictures (other then a handful).

1 comment:

The Taylors said...

Very cool, I'm glad it worked out that way!!