Sunday, August 16, 2009

Kevin's princess birthday party

Wow! I had a burst of blogging energy for about a week and then it all went away. :) Oh well. These pictures are from a few weeks ago. If you are on facebook you might have already saw my posting about this but without the pictures. This year was the first year Kaelyn has understood what happens on a birthday - cake, presents, etc. She has never really understood or cared in the past. Of course she had her birthday back in May. When it was Kevin's birthday at the end of July, she was thrilled that we were having another "birthday party". Kevin chose a carrot cake as his choice for a cake for his birthday. I tried several times to explain to Kaelyn that it was "Daddy's birthday" not hers but she just didn't get it. She was absolutely fine with the fact that it was his birthday and he got presents and we sang to him but she really thought that it was her birthday too. She was jumping up and down and just beside herself with excitement at the idea of a birthday party. When she saw the cake come out after dinner, she got very excited. She ran to the drawer in the kitchen where we kept the princess toppers from her birthday cake - I didn't even know she knew they were in there. She was insistent on putting them on the cake. Then she wanted candles on it. Kevin was a great sport and just went along with it. He held up his princess cake so we could get a picture, then we lit the candles so he could blow them out. She was okay with that but as soon as he had blown out the candles, she asked us to light the candles (not the way she put it but...) so SHE could blow them out. So we lit the candles a second time and she took a turn blowing them out. :) It was just all so funny because you could tell she really had no clue that it was not her birthday again.

Putting the candles on the princess cake.

The cake was small and of course not really made
to be decorated so it looked quite amusing to have
the 3 princesses crowded onto the top of it. :)

She was so anxious for us to light the candles and as
you can see was very intent on the whole cake thing.

The cake after Kaelyn was done with it.

The birthday guy with his princess cake.

Kaelyn taking her turn blowing out the
Attempting to cut the cake. She just knows
what's supposed to happen with a birthday
cake now so she was so anxious to put the
toppers on, light the candles, blow them
out and then cut the cake.


Mike and Heather said...

That cake is priceless. What a great daddy! :)

The Taylors said...

fun times for sure!