Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter - 2

Once we brought Buster into the picture - literally - Kay was willing to get a few more pictures.

They are just too cute together though sometimes they annoy one another.  :-)

I just LOVE this one.  When we got back from church, we walked right down to the end of the street to get pictures rather than going into the house first.  So when we went and got Buster so that we could get some pictures with him, he was VERY happy to see his girl.  He typically greets her with lots of kisses anytime she walks in the door from being gone.

Buster cracks me up - he's one of the most laid back dogs I've ever seen.  That's probably why he's so tolerant of Kaelyn - and he not only tolerates her, but he loves her.

Quite fond of this one as well.

Megan and Kaelyn are the best of buddies.  Love seeing these two together!

This NEVER happens.  Kevin tends to be more the designated photographer and so often I find that I am short on pictures that have him in them.  He let me take some pics. of just him after the others had all gone inside to change clothes and get ready for dinner.  I thought these turned out really well - and he looks great in my opinion!  :-)

Since I don't often say things like this I will take this chance to say that I am very blessed to have Kevin in my life!  I am so undeserving but so thankful for the family God has given me!

I promise I only have a few more after this post!  :-)


The Taylors said...

I know the feeling, I just loaded our Easter pictures onto my computer, I had 203!! 8-o
So I went through the ones in my "blog folder" to keep only the "good ones" the ones I wanted to share...I now only have a mere 140 now. :-/ Guess I'll have to weed them out more.
Enjoying all the pictures by the way! LOVE the Kay and Buster pictures. Well, guess there arent many Kay pictures I don't enjoy.

Becky said...

I know. I uploaded all the pictures to my April folder than made a new one on my desktop so that I could narrow down the ones I wanted to use. Now, as I'm looking back over the blog post I realize I could have skipped some of the ones where we looked exactly the same except for our heads being turned a quarter of an inch or something like that. :-)

The Taylors said...

Problem is, the boy - so many cute expressions, looks, etc, I just NEED to share them all! :-D
I haven't decided if I'm going to post the pics of me (well with me in them) I'm too embarrassed!