Saturday, April 11, 2009

A quick thought for Easter

The other day we were discussing the story of the mythical god Hercules. We were trying to remember what the story was about and I casually mentioned that I don't know/remember the stories of the various gods very well. Later, the thought popped into my head - "out of all the supposed gods throughout history that held super powers, why have Christians so easily accepted Jesus as our god?" and just as quickly the answer popped into my head - "No other gods in history "lived" for the sole purpose of dying for the human race. No other gods ever loved us so much or died and rose again so that we could have eternal life." And as Kevin mentioned later when I told him my thought, many of the gods that men have believed in over the years were cruel gods who used their power only for their advantage. They only showed kindness to people when people did something to appease them and make THEM happy. Kind of sounds more like HUMAN nature doesn't it? Though I'm not sure I will ever completely understand unconditional love - a love so great that you would give everything for someone KNOWING ahead of time that they are going to reject your love and sacrifice and pain - I would choose a god like that any day! I wasn't really trying to think about Easter and what it means at the time but just the realization and reminder that Christ's death and resurrection is what sets us apart from other religions made me feel excited about Easter and think about it in a whole new light. I met someone recently who is supposedly an atheist. I say "supposedly" because he told me he was an atheist after starting to say that he was praying for me. He said, "Well, I can't really say I'm praying for you because I'm an atheist." My theory is that he is angry with God and has decided he doesn't WANT to believe in God. I just don't believe that you would accidentally start to tell someone that you are praying for them if you had been an atheist your whole life. I've been praying that God would somehow reveal Himself to the guy. It has made me think a lot about why/how I know God is real and though I would never do well in a theological debate with someone about it, I'm so glad that I can say that I have felt God's love in my life. I know that He cares for me and I see ways that He is working in my life every day. I personally am happy that there is a God to believe in. And I'm happy that my God loves me enough, even as I am, to suffer so much for my salvation and make it possible for me to go to Heaven someday. You can search from one end of the earth to the other, and I'm certain you won't find another god like that anywhere. And that is reason enough this Easter to worship Him and celebrate who He is and what He did.
I realize my thoughts are very jumbled here. I am not very articulate anyway, and then when I start just putting down things as they come to mind, it's like my thoughts are too scattered and coming too fast for me to be able to sort them out and make them sound right. I hope you will someow get what I was trying to say. I hope you all have a blessed Easter!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Becky, I enjoy your blog. And this one was beautiful!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
It was a blessing to me.
Sis. D.