The other activity she loved was dying them. I didn't think she would get into this at all but I don't know what I was thinking. She is quite obsessed with playing in cups of water - or any liquid for that matter. She'll pour and repour and scoop and dip toys in any water she can find. So... dropping eggs into cups of colored water was just the funnest thing ever. We showed her how to use the little plastic egg holder thingy that came in the set and she just sat there one after another putting the eggs on the holder, than lowering them down into the dye. She also enjoyed fishing them out again but she didn't really care about putting the stickers on them or doing anymore decorating once they were colored. Somehow, we missed taking pictures of her looking for the eggs but I think Rach got some. We do have some cute ones of her dying them though so I included them below.
I was impressed with her coordination here because
that's one thing she struggles with but I'm sure the
therapy at school has helped a lot.
She was so intense about this and wanted
to do more but we didn't have any more.
Putting the finished products in the carton