We had a nice relaxing evening this evening. We ordered Chinese and then while we waited for that, we ran to the grocery store and picked up some ice cream. We're having another "chilly spell" so it was nice to get home, eat supper, and then put our pajamas on and watch a movie. As you might have already guessed by the pictures above, we watched the original Disney Cinderella. Kevin had never actually seen the original Cinderella and it had been years since I had seen it. Kaelyn's favorite part (before she fell asleep) was when the mice sang "Cinderelly, Cinderelly". Something about that struck her funny and we had to watch it twice. She giggled both times. I think my favorite part was where her clothes change into the ball gown and I'm pretty certain Kevin's favorite part was when they said "They lived happily ever after" and it was over. :) I remember watching it when I was a kid and my siblings and I thought it was hilarious when the stepsisters sang/played (rather off key) "Sing sweet nightingale". For some reason, it wasn't as funny to me now as I remembered it to be as a kid. Ya' gotta' love the two "lead" mice Gus and Jack, though I could only understand half of what they were saying. If you remember, the movie was made in the 50s I believe (though they did a lot of restoration on it when they released it on DVD) so the humor, special effects, and music are all quite different than what we are used to nowadays though I'm sure it had some of the coolest "technology tricks" at that time. I told Kevin that it was kind of nice to watch a movie that doesn't have any of the number of things that [even kids] movies nowadays have as far as "adult" humor, things implied or even subtle [secular] messages. I'm not sure how nice he thought it was but overall, we all had an enjoyable evening. Happy weekend to you all!
P. S. All of your comments on my previous post really made my day and made me feel a lot better so thanks for taking the time to leave some encouraging words!