Monday, March 2, 2009

Boo-boos and a school update

Kaelyn has always hated having stuff on her. She very rarely will tolerate having anyone put a sticker on her, she does not like to have her hand painted for a hand print, she bugs out if you put a cute little stamp on her hand and on and on the list goes. We can almost never get a band-aid on her and when she does get a scrape or scratch, she's more bothered by the fact that there's a mark on her skin rather than the actual pain from it. A few weeks ago at school, they did a whole week's lesson on going to the doctor and every since then, she has gone from flipping out just over the sight of the band-aid box to wanting them on her toys (her little characters) and occasionally wanting one on herself (for about 10 seconds anyway). We are hoping that she will also do better the next time she has to go to the doctor because the last time I took her, it was a nightmare. It had been so long since she had been to a doctor's office that she didn't know what was going on and by the time the doctor came in, she had a death grip around my neck and was crying uncontrollably. The doctor could hardly get near her to look in her ears, listen to her heart and do any of the basic stuff because she was so bent out of shape. I should have expected that since it has always been a battle to clean her ears, clip her nails, and stuff like that. Put her in a place she's never been with people she doesn't know and it was aweful! After watching her teacher and the other kids look in their throats and pretend to listen to their hearts and stuff, her teacher said she finally started to go along with it so here's hoping... Anyway, the other day when I picked her up, she had some dried up food stuck to her pants. I didn't think that much about it but after we had been home for a little bit, she kept asking for a band-aid. I was busy so - I'll admit it- I just kind of ignored her. Finally, she went and got the box herself and got a band-aid out and brought it to me. When I asked her what she needed a band-aid for, she pointed to the food on her pants and said "Uh, boo-boo". I was quite amused at her reasoning but I guess a boo-boo to her is anything that is not supposed to be on your body - period. Thus the dirty pants were a boo-boo and once I put a band-aid on it, that seemed to fix it. What's more, she left it on because of course she couldn't actually feel it on her skin. :)

I took these pictures the other morning
right before we left for school. Her teacher
said she's the little princess of the classroom.
I guess that's what happens when you are
one of two girls in a class of ten. This
morning one of the moms was trying to
get her son to talk to and acknowledge
the teacher. She finally laughed and said,
"Well, he gave Kaelyn a greeting. He won't
look at or talk to anyone else." She seems
to have several little "boyfriends" according
to the teachers and when we went to her
sensory lab open house, one of her friends
that she's constantly talking about, walked up
to her and gave her a big hug. The teacher said
that was pretty amazing given the fact that
when he first started pre-school there last
year, he would stay in the corner and not interact
with any of the kids or teachers. It makes us so
happy that she seems to be doing so well at school.
Even though she can't really tell us much when
we ask her about school, her teacher tells us all kinds
of things that she does and participates in and though
it is hard for us to imagine, we're excited about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is too cute! It is so funny sometimes to follow a kids train of thought. I've loved all the pictures and updates!