Monday, October 22, 2012

September Potpourri


[poh-poo-ree, poh-poo-ree] 

4.  any mixture, especially of unrelated objects, subjects, etc.
This blog post is not about things that smell good, although I hope that the people in these pictures smell good most of the time.  The only connection between a lot of these pictures is the fact that they were taken last month.  I went through my September folders and decided to grab any pictures that looked fun, interesting, or...otherwise.  I'm going to try to keep most comments short other than to explain the ridiculousness behind some of the photos.  :-)
The Sunday evening before Labor Day, we got out our WII sports game.  We had played the games very little up to that point and Kaelyn had never played them.  Since we didn't have to get up early the next morning, we stayed up late trying out all the games.  At that point, bowling was the big favorite but since then, we've gotten to where we play a lot of tennis, baseball, golf, and bowling.  Kaelyn probably plays them most of all and she has gotten quite good at the various games.  It has been good for us to get up off the couch and away from our computers/phones a little more often.

I don't think that we could be any more intense if we were at a real bowling alley actually
bowling.  :-)



One day, I happened upon this little tea party going on out in the kitchen so I took a couple quick pictures.


All I can really say about the next few pictures is - Halloween store---so many funny hats---too much fun to not try a few on.  :-)

It's a shame my hands shake all the time and so all the pictures I took on my phone by myself were way blurry.  These were great though.  They had whirly-gig things on the top.  Haven't you always wanted to wear a hat with a propeller on the top of it?  :-)

The awesomeness just can NOT be contained!  ;-)

Ha ha ha ha!  Get it?  It's a milk carton and the person's face - in this case, my face- is the missing person on the milk carton.  :-)  There couldn't be anything much better than being a "missing kid" for Halloween.  :-D  Of course, you have to be a certain age to even get the joke.
P. S.  Forgive the "Bob's Tavern" line.  I don't go to taverns and I didn't actually realize it said that when I first posed for the picture.

The kids went for more "mild" headwear to model.

Kaelyn had her first eye appointment in September.  We were pretty sure that she needed glasses because she had been closing one eye when she read or looking out of the corners of her eyes.  As it turns out, she has perfect eyesight.  I was so surprised when we found out that her eyes were fine.   In researching the issue more, I found out that there can be some other sensory/vision issues with autistic kids and they don't really have to do with actual eyesight.
We were so nervous about how she would do because she has quite a phobia of doctor's and has come unglued and had complete meltdowns in the past.  We prepped her for days ahead of time telling her exactly what would happen.  We even put some regular eye drops in her eyes because we knew that they were going to dilate her eyes and we wanted to practice with her.  She was a bit apprehensive as you can probably see in the pictures, but she did fantastic.  She was rather amusing at times but it went well.

I went to Rochester, NY for Women of Faith one weekend in September.  It's such a great time.  This year, we got to hear both Sandi Patty and Amy Grant.  Patsy Clairmont also spoke along with some other fantastic speakers.  I have been hearing some of these women sing and reading lots of their books since I was just a teenager so it was just extra cool to me to see them in person.  Also, spending time with some family and other gals, which equals lots of laughs and fun memories, was just refreshing.  I was so tired when I got back home Saturday night but it was totally worth it!

This War Memorial is in the downstairs of the arena where the conference was being held.  We went down to see it while we were on lunch break.

They had an area where women could dress up in hats, boas, etc. and have their pictures taken.  We had a blast doing it.  Unfortunately, Leah has the best pictures because she had an actual camera with her and the pictures on her camera turned out so much better.  But... these will have to do until she gets inspired to post her's.  (Just a subtle little hint there, Leah.)  :-)


I bought the little monkey and gummy alphabet letters for Kaelyn when I was in the airport before coming home.  It was shortly after midnight when I got in, but she was quite happy to see me and was excited to get a little treat.

One more random thing:  One day I was down at Kevin's office doing some filing, scanning, and mailing for them.  I ususally just go in the mornings while Kaelyn is at school but I hadn't quite finished something I was working on so after I picked her up from school, we went back to the office so that I could finish up.  She loves writing on the white board back in the conference/lunch room.  She was making up these little tests and I thought it was so funny.  It says, "Who do you think is my boyfriend  A.Ross   B.Megan   C.Primus (her teacher Mrs. Primus) or
D. Garmin.  After I would answer, she would leave all the answers up but change the question to fit the next answer ("who do you think my best friend is, my favorite teacher is, etc.)  :-)

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