Sunday, February 6, 2011

Adorable niece (and beautiful little sister)

I interrupt my current blogging "theme" of family snapshots to bring you this post featuring my adorable newest niece (newest not counting the one who will be arriving here in a few weeks)  :-)   These pictures are mainly for her mama's benefit (I don't think Net has seen most of them) and maybe a couple of her aunts and her Nana but if the rest of you like cute picture of babies, you are welcome to look at them too.  :)

My baby sister Joy with baby Courtney - sorry Joy, you'll always be the baby sister.  :-)

So this one's more funny than cute but still worth posting. :-)

Love this effect of the camera even if not completely perfected yet.

This is one of my favorites!

Joy and Courtney

You can't see much of Courtney here but this is a cute one of Joy.

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention that Courtney is one of the happeist babies ever.  I hardly heard her cry and she breaks into the biggest smiles all the time!