Saturday, November 7, 2009

Some pictures from other times and places that I never posted

Here are some pictures from a couple months ago that I never got around to posting:

Kevin is always the "boo-boo fixer" whenever
Kaelyn gets hurt. If he's not around than I
will do but as long as he's home, Kaelyn always
goes to him if she discovers she needs medical
attention. I think it's as cute as can be. It's
amazing that she has even come this far that
she'll let us put band-aids on her now.

Here she's getting antibiotic cream put on a scratch
on her face. I'm not sure what the expression was
about. :)

And now a band-aid goes on the scratch
on her arm. I don't remember what had
happened to her here but she did get
scraped up or scratched pretty good.

Most of the time the band-aid only stays on
for a short little bit but one time recently, we
put one on her cheek by her request. She had
a red mark from bumping her cheek on the
corner of the table but it really didn't need a
band-aid. We accommodated her and put
a band-aid on it anyway. For whatever reason,
she LOVED that particular band-aid and she
would NOT let us take it off of her. She went
around for DAYS with the crazy thing covering
one whole cheek. It was actually kind of
embarrassing but I figured it was a battle that
wasn't worth fighting in the whole scheme of
things in her life.

Only Kaelyn! I particularly like the shoestring
draped around her neck and the hat was her
doing also. She just came "riding" (or more like
scooting out since she doesn't know how to pedal)
like this and she just looked so comical we had
to get pictures.

She has to "scoot" around with her feet. We
have worked and worked with her on pedaling
but she just hasn't gotten it yet. More often
than not, she sits on it backwards and scoots
around like that. :)

If I remember correctly, they were watching a
movie together. It looks like Kaelyn just barely
beat Kevin to sleep. :)

These are from the day Wyatt was born. We
got there just a little bit before they whisked
him off to NICU. I thought I had lost these
pictures. I didn't have them copied to my
computer and I was afraid I had deleted them
from my camera. Thankfully I discovered I had
them either still on the camera or on the computer.

HIM (formerly FEA) held a "family fun days"
back in September. Kevin and Rod's business
were one of the many business sponsors for it
so they teamed up with Chick-fil-A for a booth.
This was the "cow" that was at their booth.

1 comment:

i am here..... said...

All are nice photos........