Monday, May 10, 2010

Picture(s) of the day

May 2, 2010
I have tried at different times to let Kaelyn help me when I'm baking [fun] stuff like cupcakes, muffins, etc.  I usually suggest it, pull a chair up, and have her do different things but she ususally just kind of humors me for a few minutes and then runs off (which is fine and I've just not really tried having her "help" lately).  A couple Sundays ago, I had put some frozen berries in a bowl and added some milk and sugar so we could have some over Angel Food cake.  I walked back into the kitchen a few minutes later to see that Kaelyn had pulled her step stool up to the counter, grabbed the spoon and was attempting to stir the berries.  She did this several time for a few minutes and seemed to be having fun.  She said she was "making dinner" (or breakfast).

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