T-shirt that I bought at the wonderfully, huge
scrapbooking store in Pigeon Forge, TN.
So here's how it goes: Kaelyn thinks it is hilarious
to see the dog run around like crazy chasing a ball
or whatever but she is VERY afraid of the dog's
loud barking and her jumping up. So she would hold
onto John saying, "It's otay, it's otay" every time
the dog would come running back to John with the
ball and then she would break into fits of giggling
again as soon as John threw the ball and the dog
went tearing after it. Quite funny to watch. By the
way, this is a nice action pic. by Rach from her
camera - I must give credit where credit is due.
Actually, the next 4 pics. are also from Rachel.
You can see her cringing here. The dog gets
so excited waiting for John to hit the ball that
she barks and barks much to Kay's dismay.
Kay discovered how monkey bars work for the
first time out at Rachel & John's a couple of
weeks ago.
And is she ever a little monkey!
Going across the monkey bars (with a little bit
of help from mommy).
Jess sent this dress to Kaelyn with some other
things for her birthday. When Kevin first saw
it he thought it looked like a Minnie Mouse dress.
Apparently Kaelyn thinks that too. I was so
surprised the first day we got it because she was
carrying it all over exclaiming and exclaiming. She
was saying, "Oh yook, that is sooo bootiful! Oh wow,
that is so adorable!" She doesn't typically notice or
care about clothes too much (and she does NOT like
it at all when I put fancy dresses on her!) Well, after
much exclaiming, she said, "Yook, is that Minnie
Mouse?" You CAN see why she would think that.
Kay-Kay in her "Minnie Mouse" dress with her
Minnie Mouse doll. (You can buy actual Minnie
Mouse dresses for little girls at Disney World but
they cost a small fortune and it seems silly to me
that people spend that kind of money for something
that will be outgrown soon.)
I Love the t-shirt.
Im soo addicted to scrapbooking/craft stores.. and find I spend so much money. One idea always leads to the next,and in the end.. I feel broke! I truly do sometimes.
I LOVE the Minnie Mouse dress! It looks very grown up!
I love the scrapbook t-shirt.I can never resist a good handful of paper when it is on sale or ribbon or...
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